Sabong International Privacy Policy: How Customer Data is Handled

All customer data is sensitive and important to us and we strive to respect our customers’ privacy. Sabong International is committed to ensuring that all customer data stored and recorded in the platform are secure and not in danger of being stolen by bad actors.

Privacy policy

Sabong International will not divulge any personal information to any third parties, with the exception of relevant payment service providers and financial institutions. All customer data is sent through the safety gateway and protected by 128-bit encryption, offering one of the highest level of security for sensitive data. Sensitive data is also cached in secure locations as protection against external intrusion.

Sabong International Privacy Policy: What is it?

Sabong International’s privacy policy addresses how customer data and information is collected and handled. All such data is strictly monitored by relevant staff and restricted to stop data leaks from both bad actors and accidental access. The restrictions are also set up to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of sensitive player information to third parties.

What is the Sabong International privacy policy

As such, no party is allowed to copy, distribute, reissue, or modify Sabong International data and content without the express written consent of the online sabong platform.

Data Collected by Sabong International

Data collected by Sabong International

Sabong International collects a wide range of personal information to allow players to register and play, including the following:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Mobile number
  • Full name
  • Currency used
  • Payment information
  • Valid ID
  • Date of birth

How Sabong International Uses Your Data?

How Sabong International uses your data

Sabong International uses its customer data mainly to verify a user’s identity to ensure that underaged players won’t be betting through the platform and ensuring that only one account per player will be playing through the platform. Sabong International also uses the data collected to coordinate with relevant financial institutions.

Set Up and Manage User Accounts

Sabong International customers will need to register with their real name and verify their accounts to be able to start playing. This is done by collecting the user’s full name during the registration process and using the information in the valid ID to verify a user’s identity and permit them to play.

The initial setup is enough to allow players to play games but not withdraw real money. Players must first verify their user accounts to set up withdrawal methods and be able to play for real money. Without fulfilling this, players will only be able to waste money and not enjoy them outside the platform.

Sabong International reserves the right to terminate accounts that violate the platform’s terms and conditions and use fake names and IDs to setup the account.

Improve Services

Sabong International also aims to improve its services by keeping track of user interaction. This is necessary to be able to improve user experience.

How Sabong International Protects Collected Data

We have strict internal guidelines to keep cybercriminals and other bad actors from stealing customer information. We also train our staff to ensure that they will not be bad actors themselves and that there will be restrictive access controls set in place.

How Sabong International protects data

Sabong International uses 128-bit data encryption, firewalls, and HTTPS to secure the platform. Moreover, the platform has strict internal guidelines to keep bad actors and other cybercriminals from accessing sensitive customer information. All our staff members are especially trained to prevent any inside jobs in relation to data leaks by setting up restrictive access controls for relevant personnel.

Data Retention Measures

Sabong International retains all relevant data for a set period of time to comply with relevant data retention laws and delete them when the data is no longer required to be retained. Data retention is also useful to prevent blacklisted customers and IP addresses from accessing the platform and playing for real money.

Data Breach Response

Should data breaches and data leaks occur, Sabong International staff will promptly warn all of its customers regarding the breach. This can help give players time to secure their other accounts that use the same password as their Sabong International account.

Sabong International: Committed to Ensure Customer Privacy

Sabong International is committed in keeping all customer data secure to ensure that none of their customers will have their data stolen and hard-earned winnings robbed. Should data breaches or any other event that compromises data security occur, Sabong International will promptly take action and inform all relevant parties of said breach.

As we are committed to ensuring data security, registering with our platform will not compromise your personal data and information.